Web 101 : WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions

It took me two days to fix on some bug occur to the web I manage. 
Some of the LinkButton where I put inside a ListView in the webpage occur to be not functioning and not fire to itembound. 
When I inspect the LinkButton from Firefox, it occur to me that the link url add up the the WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions. 
After several solution hunting, many thanks to Allah for guiding me to bump into the comment
in this post :
where Rowan, the person who add the second comment ask to add to the LinkButton source,

<asp:LinkButton ... CausesValidation="false" 

and ... IT WORKSSS!!!
Photo Source : www.ciphr.com

It occur to some readings that the client side will try to mimic the server side alteration for the link. Guess I need to further study about this. Anyway. Good experience though. Just for sharing as I thought maybe someone also bump into the similar issue as I am.

As the 4guysfromrolla always say, "Happy Coding" then. =)


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